Get your critters skinned, cleaned and ready to throw in the pot. Then, bring them in to Grace Connection for this year’s critter cookin’ contest. Come early that evening to register your tasty entries at the door.
The Wild Game Feed is set for Friday evening, March 8, beginning at 6 p.m. With the slogan, ‘you killed it, you cook it, you bring it’ there are hopes of some pretty interesting dishes that will be prepared for the community to sample.
There will be three categories in which to enter your concoctions. The first category is ‘red meat’. You can almost bet there will be a lot of venison to choose from. What else can you bring? Moose? Elk? Bear? Let’s try it! The second category is for fowl and the third category finishes out with all kinds of fish. There will be a drawing for each of these categories, if you bring a dish in any of these slots, you have a chance to win.
The prize for the red meat category is a Savage 308 bolt-action rifle. The prize for the fowl category is a Mossberg 20 gauge pump shotgun and for the fish category it is a MarCum depth finder. The only catch (get it? – catch) is that you bring a dish in order to be eligible to win in each category. Those people entering the critter cookin’ contest will also be eligible for the people’s choice award, where those attending the event have the opportunity to vote on what they believe to be the best dish that tantalized their tastebuds. The winner gets a plaque and bragging rights as the 2024 champion. You must be 18 years or older to enter a dish. One entry per person.
In addition, there are a pile of other prizes! You don’t even have to cook to win. If you are attending the event merely to taste the variety of wild game dishes, you also have an opportunity to win any of a number of door prizes that will assist you in your hunting and fishing experiences.
There will also be a display of taxidermy to peruse. If you have a deer mount, fish mount or anything, for that matter, and want others to experience it, bring it in for the evening. You might even be able to tell the story of how you got the animal.
A major part of the evening will be when Mike Grant, former Viking coach Bud Grant’s son, gives a presentation of his outdoor experiences with his dad. A program entitled “60 Years Outdoors with Bud Grant” will be presented by Mike highlighting hunting experiences of the Grant family.
The Wild Game Feed is sponsored by Grace Connection and in part by Weber’s Wadena Hardware and Gene’s Sport Shop out of Perham.
Go out and kill something. Cook it. And bring it in!